Category Newsletter

March 2024 Newsletter

Stock Markets ?      The Japanese stock market has just now made a comeback from its 1989 high. After reaching a high at the end of 1989 Japanese stocks went on an 80% decline. 34 years and just now getting…

February 2024 Newsletter

Back to the Future? Fort Belvoir Virginia located just down the Potomac River from Washington DC was the location of the first nuclear plant producing electricity that was sent to the grid. One year later in 1958 Dwight Eisenhower opened…

January 2024 Newsletter

The Last 2 Years? Six Flags over Georgia opened the Great American Scream Machine in 1973. Put your arms up, and on the way down, for a second or 2 you were weightless. Much like a roller coaster stocks over…

December 2023 Newsletter

Santa Claus?      The Legend of Santa Claus can be traced back to a monk named St. Nicholas who was born about 280 A.D. near Myra in modern day Turkey. St. Nicholas the monk gave away all his inherited wealth…

November 2023 Newsletter

Artificial Intelligence?         Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings were jeopardy grand champions; but this time they were up against a machine: IBM’s Watson. By the end of the 3rd and conclusive match Watson was up by $50,000. It was not…

October 2023 Newsletter

Higher for Longer Interest Rates?      It has taken over a year and a half for interest rates to rise on the long end (over 5-year maturities). That time looks like it is here. We have had an inverted yield…

September 2023 Newsletter

China? China is big, its land area is only 2% less than the U.S. It has a large population of approximately 1.4 billion. It was the most populous country; sometime this year it is predicted that India will surpass it…

August 2023 Newsletter

Homes? We just got some good news on inflation, and much of it is because housing costs increases have greatly slowed.  In July of 2022 the year over year increase in housing prices was an astronomical +13.9 percent. June of…

July 2023 Newsletter

Stock Market Surprise? Stocks so far this year have been on a roll of late, with overall close to a 16% return. Nasdaq, with all its tech stocks, is up 39% this year. Small stocks are not faring as well…

May 2023 Newsletter

Not In My Back Yard ? We have been building roads, sewer plants and many other large community projects for years. Yes, the government can come in and force you to sell your land for projects deemed as for the…

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